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Honey is not just honey.

Greece is known for having some of the world's best honey, it has even been nicknamed "nectar of the gods".

Greek honey comes with different nuances and notes of flavors, such as thyme honey or forest honey with notes from pine trees, fir trees and flowers.
This is achieved by the bees making use of the area in which the hives are placed, and feasting on nature's buffet of delights.

The worker bees collect nectar from the surrounding flowers and plants, where they store it in a special honey pocket and transport it home to the hive. Here the house bees accept it. During the transport, they add enzymes that transform the sugar molecules in the nectar into honey, and during the transfer, the water evaporates so that the honey becomes viscous and golden.

When the honey has arrived safely at the hive, it is stored in the iconic hexagonal honey cells and then the bees use their wings to blow air on the honey, to get additional liquid evaporated. Finally, the bees seal it with beeswax, like a lid on a honey jar.

Without the bees we would not have honey, as it is impossible for humans to produce real honey without the enzymes the bees possess. In addition to making honey, bees are also vital pollinators for us humans, as they bring pollen from flower to flower and thereby fertilize the plants so that they can produce all the delicious vegetables and fruits we all know and love. Without bees, our range of food would be significantly limited. Therefore, it is really important that we take care of the bees, so that we can continue to enjoy their benefits for generations to come.

For the Greeks, honey is not just a sweetener, but also a healthy product with bactericidal properties and vitamins. Honey is used to sweeten drinks such as the famous Greek herbal teas, it is used in desserts and even in savory cooking. There are many possibilities with honey, and we hope you want to make your purchase of honey from us!